Witchcraft in Minecraft?

  • Hello, my name is Jared Moran. I would like to share with you my personal story with the game Minecraft.

I was introduced to Minecraft 2 or 3 years ago by my cousin, so it was my birthday and my brother bought me a ps3 from my cousin and installed it on the PlayStation. I tried it and I thought it was cool, so I played it almost every day for an hour because that was my mom’s limit for video games. The more I played it the more I played the more I craved it and I went to my grandparent’s house and my other cousin who was visiting from California showed me cheats and how to make potions, what to do when you meet a witch in the game, and I knew that there were cauldrons, witches, vexes, evokers, everything that my mom hated and didn’t want me to play with.

When I found out she didn’t want me to play with all those things. I never told her that those things were in there. I became more secretive about the game and only told my cousin about them and how many XP (experience points) I gained and the deeper I got into the game the more I loved the witchcraft in it then I wanted more of it. Even though I had bad dreams and was always paranoid about my surroundings I still loved the game. The monsters I am about to mention right now are the ones that I have defeated in Minecraft.

The Zombie, zombie pigman, skeletons, endermen, spiders, cave spiders, creepers, blazes, endermite, drowned, guardians, elder guardians, evoker, ghasts, husks, magma cubes, phantoms, pillagers, shulkers, slimes, strays, vexes, zombie villagers, wither skeletons, witches, withers, and finally the ender dragon.

I “killed” and mastered all of these in Minecraft, but despite the witchcraft stuff, I covered it up to keep on playing the game until God convicted me of what I had done. So one day maybe a year or a year and a half ago, I told my mom what I was doing and I stopped playing Minecraft. Sometimes I get the urge to play Minecraft but I pray and it goes away. So thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope that my story has impacted or helped you in some way. Thank you very much, God bless you.

See it for yourself in this video: Everything You Need To Know About Witches in Minecraft and in this video: Everything You Need To Know About The Ender Dragon In Minecraft

~Hi, this is “mom”, I jumped on to chime in with my side of the story. When Jared confessed to me about all the witchcraft in Minecraft, I was shocked but not surprised. To see how subtle Satan is in luring youngsters into witchcraft through video games, movies and all forms of entertainment is alarming! What is worse is that most Christians are ignorant of Satan’s tactics and he lures children into dabbling in witchcraft.

Minecraft’s creator Markus Persson seems to have had good intentions with the game but he, unfortunately, sold Minecraft to Microsoft in 2014 and what they have done to the game is quite frankly demonic. See why *Persson is now is a thorn in Microsoft’s side.

Microsoft is a liberal company that is perverting the minds of the masses with their support and push of immorality. *Please read the above article.

See how Disney is doing the same with its subliminal messages in this video: Disney Hidden Messages That Went Over Everyone’s Head

And this expose of witchcraft in Disney movies here: LED Is Disney Safe For Christians 

As I’ve stated before, most Christians are totally ignorant about the subject of witchcraft hence the sad situation with the church as a whole. Tragically, fornication and divorce are just as bad in the church world as it is in the secular world.

That is why I have created this website hoping that it will be a beacon of light in this world full of perversion and occultism/witchcraft.