
The Medical System (notice the serpent)

Satan and his demons seek to ruin the quality of our health (via the vaccine, cancer “prevention”, and conventional medicine agendas, yoga, Reiki and other New Age practices) , our sanity, and our emotional well being (via anxiety, depression, and demonic distractions) so that we are not able to serve God and those whom we are called to serve/minister to. Satan is using wicked and very greedy organizations with wicked agendas to kill people before their time:

My motto is: If you want to live longer go to the Good Book- the Bible before going to the doctor and definitely turn the dietary pyramid recommended by the U.S. government upside down!

They have the dietary pyramid completely upside down! Is it intentional? I believe so! Why? Because there are greedy politicians who are sold out/bought by greedy Big Pharma lobbyists who could care less how many people die from all the medications they take or the chemical-laden products they use and consume. It’s truly tragic because many premature deaths are highly preventable!

Reasons to avoid mammograms:

Reasons to avoid yoga and Reiki:

Tattoos are also a huge Satanic trap because they are a portal to the demonic. Learn how here http://

Simply put, tattoos open the door to bad influence/bad luck/ and/or demonic oppression. I always say: backtrack and see how a person’s life has changed since getting a tattoo. Did they begin to get sick, go broke, suffer from anxiety, or did they become accident-prone?

Why do Christians have more faith in the medical system than in God’s healing power or in the health and healing benefits of God foods (natural fresh healthy foods that grow on trees and in the ground)?

Why? Because most people are bound by the wicked spirit of pharmakeia which is a demonic stronghold that is tragically gripping many Christians also.

What is the spirit of Pharmakeia? Excellent message:

Why do Christians only consider divine healing as a last resort? Why is it hard to find a church that still believes in praying for the sick?

More to come as the LORD leads.