About Me

Hello there! My name is Sarah. I am a wife of 28 yrs to my husband, mom of 5, grandma to almost 4 grandbabies, and I am a child and ambassador of Almighty God. I also like to say that I’m called to be a watchman on the tower. Ezekiel 33

I was saved as a young mother to my firstborn but I grew up in a Christian home. My dad got saved when I was nine years old in a baptist church which soon became a Pentecostal church because our pastor was on fire and had a passion for winning souls to Christ. My dad was led by the LORD to that church after searching for the truth in his Bible. My mom got saved a few years after. We did go with my dad to the Seventh Day Adventist Church and a few other churches/denominations before finding a full gospel church. You can read what I am referring to when I say “full gospel church” here: https://www.jimfeeney.org/full-gospel-means-all.html 

here: 40 Signs You are Being Destroyed by a Jezebel or Religious Spirit

or watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEsFY6hK6eI . Basically, we went from barely singing (not clapping nor raising our arms) during praise and worship at our church to the casting out of demons in a few years time. I know! Wow God!

We moved from California to Utah over 25 years ago and I have yet to find a full gospel church here. We currently don’t attend a church, we are on a Sabbatical which has helped our family and marriage in many ways (I was disobedient to God’s Word and I married an unbeliever, he believes but has not decided to make JESUS CHRIST LORD of his life. I now totally understand why God forbids us to be unequally yoked with an unbeliever ( Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? – 2 Corinthians 6:14 ).

It is my intention to to boldly and unapologetic-ally expose how per John 10:10 the enemy of our souls works to kill, steal, and destroy our mind, body, soul, relationships and the destiny that God Almighty intended for us to fullfil (Jeremiah 29:11). I will be exposing how Satan has subtlety infiltrated every facet of life.

Satan has come to kill, steal, and destroy but he has always targetted the church- the body of Christ as a whole. More recently it’s been “Christian yoga” and “Christian liberals” -take a listen to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEsFY6hK6eI). His goal is to destroy the quality of home/family life. He’s doing so in the form of working moms, divorce, public school and college education. He’s also destroying the quality of our health in the form of vaccines, cancer “prevention”, and tattoos are a big one also!

I will share facts and resources on the above issues under every tab/catergory on this website.

The enemy has infiltrated and attacked every institution that God established- marriage being the most important of them all.

(side note: this picture of me was taken the night that my parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. They will be the first to tell you that they’ve stayed together this long only with the help of Almighty God because sadly neither of them had a good example of what a marriage should be)

Many are afraid to go against the enemy or simply expose him because they fear retaliation from him BUT if GOD ALMIGHTY is for us who then can be against us?!

What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? -Romans 8:31 (the book of Romans is one of my favorite books of the Bible!)

Thank you for visiting my website! I do pray that you will partner with me in exposing the enemy at your home to your spouse and children, at your church, on social media, and everwhere where the LORD leads you.

You can find me on social media/Instagram @know.thine.enemy.10.10

Conquering on!

~Sarah Moran