Are We Our Worst Enemy? What Is Self Sabotage?

Why do we continue reverting back to those things/situations that are obstacles to our success in our relationships and our prosperity?

Take for example an alcoholic refuses to ditch the acquaintances that entice him/her to drink, the sex addict refuses to install a porn filter on his devices and/or refuses to request the help of an accountability partner, a food addict refuses to get rid of the unhealthy eating habits- to name a few self-sabotaging scenarios.

Why do we not make the necessary changes?

It can be demonic influences (spiritual) but often times it can be self-sabotage which is a phycological disturbance.

Apostle Ivory Hopkins explains and offers help to overcome self-sabotage and procrastination with biblical references in this video.

We must be careful and discerning because often times we are not where we would like to be because it is not yet the LORD’s will nor his timing. For example, many women feel frustrated because they “feel” that they should be out serving God with their gifts and talents but God wants them to be godly mothers who are all there for their children.

Billy Graham’s daughter Ruth Graham has recently shared and has made it public that not having her dad home when she was a young girl negatively affected her life in this video.

Now imagine not having a nurturing mother home when you need her as a child because she’s out helping others or working.

I always say that Solomon said it best when he said that there is a time for everything under the sun in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.

Our children will be married or out of the house in seminary or bible college in God’s timing and that is when we are free to serve God. Many Christians preach that women should not dedicate themselves to motherhood. To that, I say look at our culture here and abroad. Where has materialism gotten us?? The decline of morality surely goes hand in hand with materialism and the push to get mothers out of their homes and into the workforce.

Young girls no longer want to get married because there’s also a push to get young girls into college and have a career that will not satisfy just look around.

Stefan Molyneux is not a Christian, he’s a philosopher but he is more aware of the importance of young women getting married and having children than most Christians. Take a listen (viewer discretion advised due to language, again, he’s not a Christian) to his take/insight and advice to a young woman who did follow society’s recommendation to go to college: Your Job Is To Get Married And Have ChildrenÂ