What Happens To A Boy When He Is Sexually Abused?

It’s heartbreaking and incredibly upsetting to listen to a man or woman share their story about being sexually abused. If I feel this way I can’t help but wonder how God feels about it.

Satan and his demons/evil spirits are totally responsible for every evil under the sun including sexual abuse, whether he or his demons entice a person or completely take control/possess the person to commit the abuse/crime, Satan is most definitely to blame. He viciously targets children who are timid, has low self-esteem and either has an abusive parent or divorced parents. I’m certain that the main reason that God hates divorce is that it opens the door for all kinds of demonic attacks (bullying, sexual abuse, etc…). An emotional abusive parent definitely has a demon within that hates their children. When I learned this from a deliverance session/video on youtube, I decided that I would not allow any demonic influence to use me to hurt or harm my children. God allows us to choose this day curses or blessings Deuteronomy 11.

Sexual abuse is certainly a generational curse as is witchcraft and all other wicked practices committed on earth. Someone somewhere somehow opened a door and let Satan in to wreak all kinds of havoc in a family tree.

Entry Points for Perverse Demonic Spirits 

  1. Experimentation with a childhood friend.
  2. Molestation.
  3. Homosexual acts.
  4. Childhood trauma.
  5. Masonry.
  6. Rape.
  7. Sexual abuse and defilement.
  8. Incest.
  9. Satanic Ritual Abuse.
  10. Witchcraft.
  11. Soul Ties.
  12. Generational Curses
  13. Adultery

(The above list was taken from this must-read article for anyone who has been sexually abused, raped, molested, or inherited the spirit of lust through the generational curses in the bloodline: These Perverse Spirits Might Be Why You Can’t Get Free From Lust

Unfortunately, there are only a few people who will face and defeat the familiar spirits/demons that are passed down the family tree with God’s help. Seeking God’s help wholeheartedly is the only way to be able to break generational curses so that they are no longer passed down to their future generations.

Breaking a generational curse begins with saying something and exposing the evil that was committed and exposing the perpetrator, in doing so, Satan will be exposed also. Often times the perpetrator will threaten the child to not say anything or else he/she will hurt or kill their family. Often times the child believes the abuser and never says anything or waits too long to say something. The child inevitably becomes an adult plagued with emotional and psychological traumas that sadly no one can completely help or heal them of- ONLY God can.

I must again state that the contemporary church, for the most part, is completely ignorant of Satan’s demonic schemes and does not know how to minister divine deliverance nor inner healing to the soul of the victim of sexual abuse.

Thankfully there are churches and ministries out there that are equipped to help sexual abuse survivors. I will link you to several below.

If you are aware that there is a generational curse of sexual abuse in your family whether you were the victim of sexual abuse or if you were the perpetrator, please overcome any shame or guilt you may be feeling and speak up and share your story so that other children do not become victims also.

If you were/are the perpetrator of sexually abusing anyone and you are experiencing shame or guilt please know that you didn’t act on your own. Please know that God knows that you too were a victim of Satan’s very sick and wicked schemes. You inherited that generational curse that goes back to Adam and Eve or Sodom and Gomorrah. God didn’t create sex offenders, it’s all Satan’s doing through God’s creation. You will learn more in the teachings below. I pray that you will begin to see yourself the way God Almighty sees you and that you will begin to forgive yourself and others if you too were sexually abused.

If there is a generational curse of sexual abuse in your family, please do not allow your children to sleep over other family members’ homes and don’t allow family members to sleep over your home. It’s a matter of not trusting the devil and it’s better to be safe than sorry.

What happens to a boy that was sexually abused?

Sadly many boys who have been sexually abused will become perpetrators themselves either during their youth or as adults and many of them will sadly become homosexuals. The trauma of sexual abuse and surprisingly being rejected by a parent especially the father also opens a door to a homosexual demon and many more demons. Sexual abuse victims may very likely also be diagnosed with mental illness more specifically bipolar disorder. Please read my blog post on the subject here: Bipolar Disorder (A.K.A. Lust Demon) And Sex

Below is a link to an in-depth teaching that was specifically taught to men by Michael W. Smith (A.K.A brother Mike from Hardcore Christianity) a former professional in the field of psychology who treated many people in his 25+ years of practice. Brother Mike never saw anyone healed with meds but has seen many people healed and delivered by the power of God’s Holy Spirit.

Here is brother Mike’s teaching: Seminar Men’s Only Night! Lust, Addictions, Porn, Pride, Abuse, Learn Why?

Brother Mike explains the anatomy of spiritual trauma caused by sexual and emotional abuse in this video: Emotional And Sexual Abuse: Scars Be Healed Now!

You may prefer to listen to the testimonies of men who have been healed and delivered of sexual abuse wounds by the power of God’s Holy Spirit:

Sexually Abused Boy Finds His Voice- Tom Scales

Mark Sanford – Male Child Sex Abuse/Homosexual Confusion

Dr. Neil Anderson is another minister who shares the biblical approach to divine deliverance in an easy to understand manner in this 2 part video:

Dr. Neil Anderson – Breaking Sexual Bondages – Pt 1

Dr. Neil Anderson – Breaking Sexual Bondages – Pt 2

Petter Horrobin is a minister headquartered in England and has bases in many countries including the U.S. (Florida). Peter Horrobin teaches that JESUS exercised authority over demons and delegated His authority to believers so that we can also cast out demons. He also teaches that all demonic powers are controlled by Satan and so much more in these excellent teachings:

Peter Horrobin – Sex And The Demonic

Peter Horrobin – Sexual Immorality, Deliverance – Pt 1

Peter Horrobin – Sexual Immorality, Deliverance – Pt 2

Peter Horrobin – Pornography

Peter Horrobin’s ministry website is: http://ellel.org/uk/about/ellel-pierrepont/

Many people who have been victims of sexual child abuse, rape, or any other trauma doubt either consciously or unconsciously that God loves them and may even blame God for what was done to them but they must remember that God will never be part of any evil acts. They must also remember that Satan is behind ALL evil and they must know that the Satan/demons were given a legal right into the family bloodline/family tree by someone somehow and God cannot bypass that legal right and authority given to Satan. It’s like giving someone the keys and permission to enter your home or your life. No one but you can go to that person and ask for the keys back or ask them to leave, it’s the same in the spiritual realm and Satan knows it and he will not go anywhere until someone kicks him out with God’s help.

We must take the keys and authority that someone up the family tree gave to Satan through witchcraft, idolatry (worshiping idols/saints), sexual sin (fornication/sex outside of marriage, adultery/cheating on a spouse), taking part in secret societies (Freemasonry/Satanism) or any other sin that God forbids. Ask God to show you what sin was committed – what door was opened so that you can repent and close all doors to the enemy.

Please go to God in prayer for healing of your soul and ask Him to guide you (just as the enemy guides people to do evil) to people who will help you to be delivered also, pray always ‘in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST’ and for the glory of Almighty God, AMEN.’

I pray that you will fight for your healing and deliverance for you, for your children, your grandchildren, and your future generations, in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST for the glory of Almighty God AMEN.

Please feel free to email me so that I can add you to our prayer list.