Why We Must Homeschool

If you are a single young person and/or God-fearing and you are reading this consider yourself to be very blessed to be reading this now because you will be aware of the pitfalls of sending our children to the public education system and hopefully you will be convinced to homeschool your children from day one.

I regret that I waited so long to homeschool my children. I have five children and I attempted to homeschool them all while I was working at one point but that obviously didn’t work out because it’s almost impossible to homeschool and work at the same time. My second attempt to home school did work out because I quit my job. It wasn’t easy because I feared that we wouldn’t be able to afford it but not only were we able to afford it, we are now finally getting ahead to which I’m very grateful to God Almighty for.

I’m a SAHM stay-at-home-mom as of approximately 10 years ago and I couldn’t be happier and more at peace than I’ve ever been. Three of my five children would have graduated from homeschooling. My two oldest graduated from a public school and a charter school. My oldest did well in school and wasn’t heavily influenced but my second born was. She got a hold of a cellphone from a classmate behind our back and let’s just say that it wasn’t used for her good. Thankfully she graduated with good grades and wasn’t seduced by a guy and went on to get pregnant. The same with my third child, she did well also her last year in the charter school. I went back to homeschooling for her senior year along with my two younger children. She wasn’t too happy but thank God she did very well and graduated with honors. My fourth child is in her junior year and is also doing very well as is my 6th grader. I am so happy that I can be here for my children and just regret that I wasn’t as aware of the enemy’s agenda when my older children were younger and I have told them that.

The enemy’s agenda is that Christians will have a mixture- part Christian and part of the world.

For me no longer being at peace while working was my sign/a red flag that I had to quit my job. I quit several times but I would go back to work for the USPS Remote Encoding Center because I lacked the faith to stay home. The day I went in to resign I was struggling but I had to arm myself with faith and just do it. I haven’t looked back thank my good LORD. I am currently homeschooling my soon to be 17 year old and 12 year old and it’s going well. I know what my kids are into, and I encourage them to ask God to show them what their purpose in life is because that is the only way to live a genuinely happy life. Their grades are secondary because if we look around, we can see a decline in purposeful living in our youth. It’s truly sad to see.

A high school diploma or degree does not help our children become responsible adults. There are the few who do go on to be successful out of college but the majority don’t. There are millennials still living in their parents’ basement because sadly they were talked out of getting married when it should be a priority in their lives because that’s what God Almighty directs us to do in Genesis.

The liberal culture around the world has been successful in mentally sterilizing the masses with their Godless agendas ie; feminist movement, college agenda/career-minded gals instead of marriage-minded, wicked entertainment/addicted gamers, lustful movies, etc…

All of the above is not what God intended for humanity- He created us for family or ministry and sadly young adults suffer from feelings of worthlessness, lack of purpose, anxiety, etc… Many working moms suffer from the same because we cannot experience the peace of God when we are out of His perfect will for our lives.

If you’re sure that you are NOT called to get married, go for it, get a career, and live a purposeful life making a difference in the world. But if you know that you want to get married and have children my advice to you is to not go to college instead go to a trade school/college and learn a trade that will help you to save money being a SAHM BEFORE you have children.

I went to a trade college straight out of high school and completed a cosmetology course. I never got licensed because I now see that it wasn’t God’s will for my life. I probably would’ve been hooked on making big bucks in the beauty industry. I don’t mean to brag but I received a couple of awards in beauty school, God has given me the gift/skills to do hair but I use it at home to cut my immediate and extended family member’s hair and it saves us money. If it’s God’s will that I use the talent that He gave me in the future to go out and minister to others AFTER all of my children are grown and married, I will do it.  But in the meantime I am content and at peace being a SAHM because I am where I should be- at home homeschooling my children and running our household to the best of my ability with God’s help.

Why homeschool?

The main reason is that God entrusted us, parents, to teach and instruct/train up our children in the way that they should go not daycare, not the public school system, us, parents.

God never intended for a liberal institution to educate and brainwash our children with anti-Christ mindsets (my children were taught about Islam every school year that they were in a charter school). God intended for parents to teach their children the basic school subjects and then the family trade/business unless God calls them to something else such as ministry.

Our children should not be exposed to other children’s language, tendencies, and worldly culture nor should they be vaccinated with the Bill Gates lethal population control weapon- vaccines. Please do the research. It is a diabolical agenda. Bill Gates is not even a doctor and he is creating and pushing vaccines!

Another reason is that the enemy is using the school system and some teachers to expose our children to all sorts of ungodly practices and ideas such as: witchcraft via books such as Harry Potter which are extremely dangerous, wordly music, pagan religions (Islam, New Age), gender equality, homosexuality agendas, school dances/parties (Haloween, here’s a must-watch video. We must be very careful about what our children watch, hear, and objects they bring into the home especially heavy metal music because they can open doors to the demonic world.

Granted our children do not have to participate but many will feel left out and may rebel and just do it behind their parents back.

I know that many Christian families are ok with all of the above but that is exactly why our culture and society are in the current condition, the church is not making a difference in the world, on the contrary, they’re blending right in. The Bible says that we are in the world but NOT of the world. -we are being changed into the image of Christ, causing our interest in the things of the world to become less and less as we mature in Christ. -via got questions org

I really love the Jewish family Sabbath traditions, the mother prays for her daughters and the father prays for the sons every week.

As parents, it is imperative that we ask God for discernment to know what we are to do concerning our children and our household.

We are our children’s gatekeepers, we are responsible for knowing and monitoring what they are exposed to. We will give an account to God for the wellbeing of our children.

Overcoming Obstacles to Homeschooling

I’ve heard that many families do not homeschool because they can’t afford to homeschool to which I say that it can be done with careful planning and with divine intervention. If you feel that you need two incomes to make ends meet prayerfully seek God about ways that you can quit your job so that you can homeschool your children because I am certain that it is His perfect will for every family especially with the liberal agenda still in effect in the Department of Education. We are praying that President Trump’s administration will make many changes in the Department of Education such as removing all Islam indoctrination, removing the evolution theory, and the most recent gender equality liberal agenda.

There are several FREE online virtual academy which is what we have been using for the past several years. If we could afford a Christian curriculum we would prefer to go that route but the FREE online schools are quite decent. If there is a topic/lesson that you are not ok with you can talk to your child’s teacher and skip it.

The way we were able to homeschool was taking a huge step of faith and I quit my job and trusted God to guide us and help us to trust Him and have faith that we would be ok. We actually recently began getting ahead, by getting ahead I mean that we are no longer living paycheck to paycheck and I believe it’s not only because I quit my job and am homeschooling but because there is less strife in our home. There cannot be peace in the midst of strife.

Recommended resources:

  • MOM (Moms of Miracles on Facebook)
  • www.k12.com (Free online virtual academy that my 6th grader uses)
  • www.connectionsacademy.com (Free online virtual academy that my 11th grader uses)
  • Dr. Tenpenny on all social media (vaccine expert)
  • Dr. Shiva on all social media (@va_shiva on Instagram)
  • News Behind The News (Youtube)
  • Follow ann.marie.michaels (on Instagram)
  • Follow Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (robertfkennedyjr on all social media)