The “Princess Spirit”? No, It’s The Jezebel Spirit

Image result for cleopatra being fanned

I recently came across a teaching on YouTube titled The Princess Spirit (I don’t agree with everything shared in this teaching such as encouraging women to work and to make their own money. Our husband’s money IS our money and with that money, we can do what the Proverbs 31 Woman did), I prefer to call it the Jezebel Spirit and/or the Cleopatra spirit,  that’s the picture that comes to mind when I think about this evil spirit that I see manifested through mostly young and old females although this evil spirit is manifested through males also. The strongman behind this evil spirit is clearly pride. These individuals WILL NOT easily lift a finger to do anything for themselves much less for others when JESUS CHRIST Himself came to serve and teaches us to do the same in Scripture.

In fact, these individuals more like that evil spirit within them HATES doing anything for anyone. They will get angry if you even dare ask them to do something for you and if they do something for you they will let you know that they hate it. This spirit very likely is behind perversion/sexual sin/seduction, anger, rage, murder, and so much more as you will read in the account of Cleopatra and/or Jezebel below.

These individuals have a sense of entitlement that is utterly disgusting to everyone around them. No one likes a selfish person who is so full of  “self”. This wicked spirit also causes its victims (because they are the victims although they think that those who they take advantage are the victims) to feel and play the victim. They will not for a second stop and think: Am I doing anything wrong? Could it be that people avoid me because I’m a selfish person with a sense of entitlement who feels everyone should be at my beckon call?? No, the Jezebel spirit will not allow them to see this.

I’m reminded of King David and the sin that he was unaware of so God had to send the prophet Nathan to him to expose his sin to him. Thank God Almighty for the Nathan’s of the world. Don’t hate/kill the messenger, instead THANK GOD ALMIGHTY that He sends them!

How can we tell that this behavior is sinful? We can tell by the consequences that these individuals bare which can be anxiety, depression, guilt, shame (or no shame), condemnation, insecurity, double-mindedness, emptiness, low self-esteem, and much more. God will NOT condone that behavior nor bless those with the Jezebel spirit with peace.

Again, this wicked Jezebel spirit as the photo depicts is a proud, arrogant, and very wicked spirit that goes contrary to what JESUS CHRIST Himself was and teaches us to demonstrate.

If you by the grace and mercy of God have an inkling that you may be operating with a Jezebel spirit please read this account of Cleopatra and/or this account of Jezebel from the Bible to confirm and so that you can repent before God Almighty so that He can forgive you and that spirit will flee from your life, in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST AMEN!

The same evil wicked spirit operated in both the Jezebel of the bible, the Egyptian Cleopatra and is operating in men and women today. The devil will not stop using people until he is thrown into the lake of everlasting fire!

To those who have been dealing with family members or friends manifesting this evil spirit, I ask that you see it as such -as an evil spirit using your loved one. That’s if you want to help that person otherwise you will continue to be a victim to its wickedness and you will continue to enable it. We are not helping anyone when we allow people to continue bringing judgment and consequences upon themselves.

My call to you is to pray and to ask God to help you confront this evil spirit so that your loved one or friend can be made aware of this sin so that they can repent and be set free and delivered from it, in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST alone AMEN. In your attempt to help them you will be having to deal with the person exhibiting/manifesting this evil spirit.

How do I know all of the above? Let’s just say I’m around it 24/7 and since becoming aware of this wicked spirit and it’s manifestations through those “infected” by it, this wicked spirit has become weakened in my loved ones and I know that in the LORD’s perfect timing that spirit will be cast out either by themselves through auto/self-deliverance or by an authorized deliverance minister.

In the meantime, I will continue to help these people in these ways below and I highly encourage you to do the same:

  1. PRAY for them that they will humble themselves before God Almighty and before others because serving others breaks down that evil spirit of pride
  2. Expose the behavior/manifestation whenever I see it by telling them bluntly: you are being proud/demanding/rude etc… call it as you see it
  3. Stand firm against that behavior no matter how nasty the person gets, if they get mad pray for them that they will REPENT wholeheartedly and turn from their wicked ways until they are set free
  4. Do not give in to their nasty attitude and demands for their sake and yours UNLESS they ask nicely and with a “please” (do NOT enable nasty attitudes)
  5.  Share this post and/or anything that you come across that you know will upset them but will help them in the long run

Please share any victories with us in the comments below!